Hacker News is a social news website and source for independent latest news and technical coverage on cybersecurity, infosec, and hacking.
Hacker News focuses on computer science and entrepreneurship and allow users to submit a link of a story or a news.
Hacker News is run by Y combinator. After sign-up users submit links to stories. When other users find it interesting, they can upvote and help the story appear on the front page. The stories are ranked according to a voting system.
Hacker News does not allow use as a means of self-promotion.
Users are encouraged to submit only new and relevant content to get more votes.
Users are encouraged to use known sources when submitting content.
Hacker News defines the best content as one that gratifies one's intellectual curiosity, and encourage user to go for the best news regardless of length.
In February 2007, Hacker News then Startup News or occasionally News.YC. was created by Paul Graham.
On August 14, 2007, Hacker News became the official name of the site.
In 2014, Daniel Gackle initiated a site-wide “Political Detox Week.”
In March 2014, Graham stepped down.
In June 2019, Suhail Yazijy compiled an analysis of hacker News traffic featuring major Hacker News posts and tech events
Use chrome extension to displays recent stories from Hacker News easily.
Avoid the use of uppercase or exclamation points, only submit content you think is important.
Do not include site name while posting news from another spurce.
Always append [video] or [pdf] to the title when you submit a video or pdf.
Avoid link shorteners.
Make sure the content you have is right since Hacker News does not encourage deleting and reposting the same story.
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