Professor Inspiration

Professor Inspiration

PhD in Philosophy Social Media & Technology in 3 years

PhD in Philosophy Social Media & Technology in 3 years

Ravi In 2016 Ravi started his PhD at the University of the Rockies. He graduated within three years from Ashford University upon completing one of the first PhDs specializing in Social Media Technology. Ravi studied under dissertation Committee: Dr. Michelle Post, Dr. Cinthia Scarlett, Dr. Scott Burrus and Dr. Sinan Aral.

Masters in Social Media Managment from School of Communication at LU

Masters in Social Media Managment from School of Communication at LU

Ravi Singh attends Liberty University and receives his Masters in Social Media Management in under one year graduating by May 2018

Ravi Singh graduates from MIT Sloan School of Management ACE

Ravi Singh graduates from MIT Sloan School of Management ACE

Ravi Singh earns the Advanced Certificate for Executives in Management, Innovation, and Technology (ACE) from MIT Sloan School of Management earned him Alumni status. Picture with Dr. Sinan Aral. Ravi stated, "One teacher can truly change the course of your life, I hope to do the same one day."

Ravi Singh attends Harvard Digital Marketing Strategy Extension School

Ravi Singh attends Harvard Digital Marketing Strategy Extension School

Ravi studies at Harvard under professor Ames who teaches his infamous entrepreneurship program just twice a year. Less than 200 people earn this program in a year.

Ravi Singh pursues Digital Marketing Certificate at Duke University

Ravi Singh pursues Digital Marketing Certificate at Duke University

Ravi Singh joins Duke University and pursues a self-paced Digital Marketing Certificate program ranked as one of top ten programs in the country. It delivers a curriculum that provides students with advanced knowledge of the eight most important digital marketing domains and includes real-world projects and virtual simulations for practical experience. Has 350 hours of class time and provides an extensive a-z on digital marketing

A 450 Pages Quantitative Social Media Dissertation

A 450 Pages Quantitative Social Media Dissertation

Ravi Singh in record time gets his dissertation approved on studying the different Personas of Donald Trump's Voice by analyzing his tweets. Ravi Singh hypothesized a model to analyze tone with Twitter engagement theorizing that Donald Trump's tone will change in each persona.‍ The dissertation analyzed 35,647 tweets from 2009 to 2018.

Ravi Singh gave lectures in 2 Ukrainian Universities in Kiev about Politics 2.0 and technologies of campaigns in Internet.

Ravi Singh gave lectures in 2 Ukrainian Universities in Kiev about Politics 2.0 and technologies of campaigns in Internet.

Ravi Singh authors a chapter on how political campaigns can leverage social networks for George Washington University.

Ravi Singh authors a chapter on how political campaigns can leverage social networks for George Washington University.


“The unexamined life is not worth living.”
