
Ravi Singh


Donald Trump Literature Reviews

Would Trump Consider Running In 2024?

Would Trump Consider Running In 2024?

Stanage, N. (2021, April 1). The memo: The mystery of post-presidency Trump.                TheHill. presidency-trump

According to the author, Trump is back in the political fray and has issued broadsides against Biden, Deborah Birx, and Antony Fauci. Trump's campaign manager Corey Lewandowski is said to be heading up the new super PAC at his behest. The author says that the question at hand is what Trump really wants. In response a senior official in the Trump White House said that Trump was taking it pretty slowly and not ruling out anything. The author says that $64,000 question is whether Trump would consider running in 2024. However, rumors from the Trump circle is that it will be communicated only after 2022 midterms. One thing that the people are certain about is that in 2024, Trump can be either the king or kingmaker. Also, he will have plenty of money to advance his goals since he already made “$250 million, together with the Republican Party, in the period between November’s election and Biden’s January inauguration.” One of Trump's aide said that it was important for the president to conserve cash for now, and deploy it as the midterms near. The author says that the broad dynamics of Trump’s popularity have never changed much, he is still beloved by the GOP base but fairly unpopular with the electorate at large. According to Brad Blakeman, who worked with former President George W. Bush’s in the White House said that "trying to put Donald Trump into a traditional box is not understanding Donald Trump.”

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