White House Can't Control Trump's Tweets since He Uses Personal Account
White House Can't Control Trump's Tweets since He Uses Personal Account
Borchers C. (2017 Aug 4). Trump’s itchy Twitter finger just triggered speculation about an indictment. The Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/08/04/trumps-itchy-twitter-finger-just-triggered-speculation-about-an-indictment/
According to the author of this article, President Trump attracted the attention of his audience to speculate against him or a member of his family before the federal grand Jury that was announced a few days before the time of Trump’s actions. Information on the grand Jury was reported by the Wall Street Journal. The author further reports that Donald Trump retweeted a video from a morning show on Fox News where he host and guest discusses about the investigation of Russia’s involvement in Trump campaigns. In the discussion the two concluded that it was mere witch-hunt that was politically motivated. However, it is not clear why the president would retweet such a post only to attract the attention of both critics and supporters. Employing the new chief of staff would have an impact on type of information about Donald Trump. However, there is still a challenge on controlling what the president may tweet or retweet since he has a personal account that he uses it in whichever way he wishes.
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