
Ravi Singh


Donald Trump Literature Reviews

Twitter Attacks Helped Trump Increase Engagement?

Twitter Attacks Helped Trump Increase Engagement?  

Lee, J., & Xu, W. (2018). The more attacks, the more retweets: Trump’s and Clinton’s agenda setting on Twitter. Public Relations Review, 44(2), 201-213.

Lee and Xu state that most of Trump's and Clinton’s tweets and website content during the 2016 elections campaigns reflected their parties' owned issues. Tweets posted towards the campaign period came out as negative and tended to garner more likes/favorites and retweets. Also, Trump’s tweets attacking Clinton and the media received more likes/favorites and retweets. Trump’s tweets talked more about media bias, and Clinton’s dishonesty. However, no specific issues addressed by Clinton managed to garner more like and retweets from users. The authors says that none of Clinton’s issues seemed to be effective in drawing positive voter responses. During the campaign period, news media helped share the two candidate’s agenda by sharing or analyzing their tweets. As a result, the media helped increase engagement with the candidates’ tweets. Another important thing to none is that text content tended to be more popular compared to other types of content.

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