Trump Tweets Drove Public Companies Stock Into Turmoil
Trump Tweets Drove Public Companies Stock Into Turmoil
Kosoff, M. (April 3, 2017). The diminishing returns of Donald Trump’s tweets. Retrieved from
This article explores how Donald Trump has been using Twitter to share his thoughts. Everything about him turned political after his declaration to run for the office and Twitter has been a platform to get at his enemies to the extent of making statements that are inflammatory – to some extent, false whereby his followers can be shocked or electrified. “All through 2015 and 2016, Trump used Twitter to pillory his enemies and make inflammatory, often outright false statements, each of which reverberated through the media, shocking the establishment and electrifying his followers.” It is true that through his Twitter, Donald Trump sent out tweets that drove the stocks of public companies into turmoil; quite a number, and even caused a diplomatic crisis when he criticized other countries. In a collection of his tweets, one can single-handedly point out the tweets that are abrasive through his direct nature making his online influence to be waning.
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