
Ravi Singh


Donald Trump Literature Reviews

Trump Sparks Both Agitated and Motivated Feedback From Unseen Audience

Trump Sparks Both Agitated and Motivated Feedback From Unseen Audience

Barbaro, M. (October 5, 2015). Pithy, Mean and Powerful: How Donald Trump Mastered Twitter for 2016. Retrieved from

This article explores how President Donald Trump mastered the use of Twitter long before he became President of the United States of America. His first bombshell was when he tweeted: “I’m having a real hard time watching, Kim should sue her plastic surgeon!” Although Kim Novak did not read the tweet as she was attending the Academy Awards in 2014, it was a chance that was filled with ridicule and ruin. Days later, after retreating in her house in Oregon and staying there for days; she gained the courage after a few weeks and: “In an open letter to her fans a few weeks later, Ms. Novak denounced Mr. Trump’s tweet as bullying.” President Trump has exploited the media thus sparking both agitated and motivated feedback from unseen audience. The article reveals that, he found a voice in mastering the use of Twitter like no other Presidential candidate has ever done thus “redefining its power as a tool of political promotion, distraction, score-settling and attack…”

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