Trump Presidency Isn’t Nearly as Bad as It Sounds
Trump Presidency Isn’t Nearly as Bad as It Sounds
Lowry, R. (December 1, 2017). The Trump Presidency Isn’t Nearly As Bad As It Sounds. Retrieved from
This article explores President Donald Trump’s presidency and his characters as a person because his immediate actions start early in the morning through his Twitter account by tweeting. President Trump Is not afraid of attacking journalistic outlets and jurists by offending them because normally, a President would not even speak in that matter hence violating himself while endangering the Constitution. “A common criticism of Trump is that, via his attacks on offending journalistic outlets and jurists, he’s endangering the Constitution.” The article goes on to discuss how he has rolled back his predecessor’s administrative actions on immigration, environment, as well as health care because he is not satisfied by them being part of his agenda, moreover, “None of this is to suggest that Trump’s governing and his tweets are entirely distinguishable.” Basically, he finds himself tweeting more than speaking to the press because he knows his following will air their views despite knowing that the tweets do not constitute his administration’s total nature.
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