Trump Is Thinking of Launching His Own TV Empire
Trump Is Thinking of Launching His Own TV Empire
Orr, G., & Mcgraw, M. (2021, March 14). Trump was supposed to be a political Godzilla in exile. Instead, he’s adrift. POLITICO. post-presidency-475733
According to Politico, Trump is lacking an apparatus and direction as he sorts out just what he wants to do in his post-presidency. Politico says that Trump backed away from creating a third party and instead is thinking of launching his own TV empire. That Trump's vow to target the disloyal Republicans by picking primary challengers has taken a backseat to conventional endorsements of senators who did not heed to his call to overturn the 2020 election. Trump was supposed to build a massive political apparatus to help keep MAGA afloat but it’s unclear what he is up to. Politico says that Trump finds himself adrift in political exile and some allies think that he is disorganized and torn between playing the role of antagonist and party leader. GOP strategist Matt Gorman, stated that Trump lacks the same political infrastructure he did months ago as president. Politico says that “the version off Trump that has emerged in the month and a half since he left office is far from the political godzilla many expected him to be.”
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