Memes: St. Patrick Memes You Have Never Seen
St. Patrick’s Day is an anniversary celebration of Saint Patrick’s death. St. Patrick was born in Roman Britain, but was kidnapped and brought to Ireland. He managed to escape from Ireland, but hecame back later. He is credited with Bringing Christianity to the people of Ireland.
St. Patrick is believed to have died on March 17th 461, and his anniversary, St Patrick’s day has been celebrated now for over 1,000 years. Although the celebrations come in during Catholic church’s month of Lent, the Irish have always paused lent on March 17th and they will drink, dance, and feast on Irish traditional meals including bacon, and cabbage. Today, the Irish celebration has become global and people especially in America welcome it in all manner of fun. Below, we have prepared some of the funniest memes shared during St. Patrick’s Day.
1. Are you ready for all the Shenanigan’s?

2. St Patrick’s Day celebrations gone right. Irish Yoga memes!

3. How St. Paddy drove snakes out Ireland!

4. Seriously, Google translate?

5. Don’t be this guy!

6. Every is Irish on March 17th, Even Storm troopers.

7. My great-great-great-grandmother was Irish.

8. Real Irish don’t celebrate St paddy’s day. Have some fun Negative Nelly

9. Me the at work on March 18th after St. Paddy's day!

10. It's time to paddy like the Irish do!

11. It’s okay, you can pretend to be Irishon St Patrick’s day

12. What time does the Shenanigans start?

13. Me When I realize I’m not going tocelebrate St Paddy’s after a week of planning with friends.

14. Don’t drink and drive!

15. Close, very close!

16. When you’re not Irish but you want to celebrate St. Paddy’s day anyway.

Hope these memes will Make your St. Patrick's Day a Shamrockin' Good Time. And Since we’re all Irish on St Patrick’s Day, give us your best Paddy’s Day jokes, memes, Anything!
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