Is Twitter a New Home for Donald Trump?
Is Twitter a New Home for Donald Trump?
Jack, H. (2016, September, 21). There is now a searchable database of Donald Trump's tweets. Retrieved from
According to the author, there is a searchable database of Donald Trump’s tweets. The article describes twitter as the new home for Donald Trump. This is because on twitter, one can say anything they want and anyone will listen to the message. You can use it to weaken your enemies too. The news of a database of tweets is quite incredible according to the author. The article describes the database of Trump’s tweets as an indication of his language and that it serves as a reminder of how negative his public persona has been. Most of his tweets are insults and he commonly uses abusive words like losers, dumb, dishonest, and terrible. These words are some of President Donald Trump’s favourite on twitter. The database has his tweets from 2015 up to date and the trend is similar, nothing new except for insults here and there, that is Trump on twitter for you.
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