How do CEO's Communicate on Social Media?
How do CEO's Communicate on Social Media?
Grafström, M., & Falkman, L. L. (2017). Everyday narratives: CEO rhetoric on Twitter. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 30(3), 312–322. doi:10.1108/JOCM -10-2016-0197
In this article, in order to contribute to literature on narrative leadership and rhetoric, the authors examine how CEOs communicate on social media (i.e., Twitter) through a case study of the Twitter feed of the CEO of the Swedish digital bank Nordnet, Håkan Nygren. Nygren was chosen as representative of “the emerging generation of ‘social’ CEOs” (p. 315). The authors performed content analysis of Nygren’s Twitter feed as an example of everyday communication for the years 2013–2015, noting the main functions of the tweets as marketing and circulating company content, providing status updates from meetings, and discussing leadership/diversity issues. The authors identified characteristics of the feed and, thus, the CEO, noting its limited scope, formal tone, lack of dialogue, and limited number of external voices. The authors concluded Nygren was a “rather non-personal CEO with limited ideas on his mind to share online and with few friends” (p. 312). In addition to detailing the study, the authors provide good background information on literature regarding corporate narratives in digital media.
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