Does Donald Trump Have Negative Rhetoric?
Does Donald Trump Have Negative Rhetoric?
Anderson, R. (February 4, 2018). The extremely negative rhetoric of President Trump’s tweets. Retrieved from president-trumps-tweets/
This article analyzes Donald Trump’s tweets and the findings conclude that they are extremely negative rhetoric. He is the first President of the United States of America to use social media in communicating with the public and more than 2,500 tweets have been sent by him in a span of less than 15 months in office. “Donald Trump, the first President to use social media to communicate with his public, has already in less than 15 months sent out over 2,500 tweets.” Some of the tweets post on his Twitter account were from his staff, especially during the campaign period, but as a President, some of the tweets seem to come directly from him. Over the 9-year period that Trump has been using Twitter, from 2009 to 2018, there is a record of 50 words that he’s often used. All his tweets amounted to 33,300 with the positive words being like trust, community, and development while the negative words were like bad, badly, hate, sad, and crooked.
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