Did Trump Concedes in Recent Tweet?
Did Trump Concedes in Recent Tweet?
Saint-Vil, S. (2020, December 11). Twitter claims “Trump conceded” after he refers to Biden administration in recent tweet. REVOLT. https://www.revolt.tv/news/2020/12/11/22169649/twitter-trump-conceded- biden-administration-recent-tweet
In one of his tweets challenging the U.S presidential elections, Trump was reported to be conceding defeat. He had constantly accused Joe Biden of stealing the election. but in a tweet he sent on December 11th 2020, people concluded that Trump agreed that his administration will soon come to an end. The tweet read "Now that the Biden Administration will be a scandal plagued mess for years to come, it is much easier for the Supreme Court of the United States to follow the Constitution and do what everybody knows has to be done. They must show great courage & wisdom. Save the USA!!!”
Although in the tweet it is clear that Trump still wanted the Supreme Court to nullify the elections, people ignored that part and concentrated on the words “Biden Administration.” They said that Trump had unknowingly conceded defeat. Trump supporters did not share the same sentiment and defended the tweet saying that he was not conceding defeat. Trump had made a tweet that was translated as conceding defeat. He had tweeted that he(Biden) won the election because it was rigged!. Trump foes saw the tweet as conceding defeat.
Good Karma for those who comment...