
Ravi Singh


Donald Trump Literature Reviews

Biden Provides Reassurance in His Tweets As Twitter Strategy During Race Against Trump

Biden Provides Reassurance in His Tweets As Twitter Strategy During Race Against Trump

Borraccino. M (2020 Nov 14). Biden-Trump on Twitter: Relevance Prevailed over Pervasiveness. SocialRecap:

According to Borraccino, proper use of a communication platform (in this case, Twitter) can lead to a high engagement rate. The author focuses on the tweeting activities of Donald Trump and Joe Biden in a six months period before the presidential elections in the United States.  He author notes that there is a significant difference between the two presidential contenders. Donald Trump has a unique approach of tweeting which is polarizing and most often aggressive. An example is cited when he shared what could be termed as offensive towards his former competitor Hillary Clinton. On the other hand, Joe Biden used a different approach that aimed and providing reassurance to his audience. At the beginning of the campaigns, Donald Trump’s twitter account had 80 million followers while Joe Biden had 5.3 million. It seemed obvious that Trump had a higher engagement rate than Biden due to the large number of followers and the tweets made at a given timeframe. However, this trend started changing when Joe Biden started tweeting only when necessary and kept a tone that resonated with his followers. During this period, Donald Trump maintained his tweeting tempo and nothing was unchanged in relation to his tweeting approach. In the end, Joe Biden’s engagement rate increased past Donald Trump’s numbers. The author concludes that that even though the number of followers and engagement rates on social media may not translate to votes, but it is a tool that commands attention. Therefore, it is important to know when and what to post on the social media platform.

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