Ravisingh.com encourages its team members to be champions on behalf of the company. While social media creates new opportunities for personal expression, it also creates new responsibilities.
Since the term social media is used a number of different ways, we want to make sure you understand what we mean when we say social media. Social media is any tool or service that facilitates conversations over the internet. Social media applies not only to traditional big names, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat, but also applies to other platforms you may use that include user conversations, which you may not think of as social media. Platforms such as, YouTube, Flickr, blogs and wikis are all part of social media.
Be Nice, Have Fun, and Connect: Social media is a place to have conversations and build connections, whether you're doing it for Ravisingh.com or for yourself.
Protect Information: Social media encourages you to share information and connect with people. When you use social media, you should try and build relationships, but you should also be aware that through your relationship with ravisingh.com, you have access to confidential information that shouldn't be made public. So, you shouldn't share our confidential company information or any of our customers' personally identifiable information. If you mistakenly post confidential information on a social media platform, it will be hard to take down that information completely.
Be Transparent and Disclose: If by any chance you talk about Ravisingh.com on social media, you should disclose that you work for Ravisingh.com. Your friends may know you work for ravisingh.com, but their network of friends and colleagues may not and you don't want to accidentally mislead someone. The simplest way to disclose is to use the #Iwork4ravisingh.com hashtag in any post that discusses ravisingh.com or your employment with ravisingh.com.
Follow the Law, Follow the Code of Conduct: Social media lets you communicate incredibly fast and have your message go viral in seconds. This makes it difficult to fix an inaccurate message once shared online. You need to double check all content before you share it, both for accuracy and to make sure it fits into ravisingh.com 's overall social media strategy, our Code of Conduct, and any restrictions that may apply to your content based on local law (such as the FTC Endorsement Guidelines in the US) and the platform you are using (such as terms of service for the site upon which you are sharing). One of ravisingh.com 's core values is winning with integrity, and that applies to social media as well.
Social Media Account Ownership: If you participate in social media activities as part of your job at ravisingh.com on an account created for ravisingh.com, that account may be considered ravisingh.com property. If that account is Ravisingh.com property, you don't get to take it with you if you leave the company — meaning you will not try to change the password or the account name or create a similar sounding account or assert any ownership of the contacts and connections you have gained through the account. This doesn't apply to personal accounts that you may access at work, but would certainly apply to all -branded accounts.